CR Lama in Bodh Gaya |
As I sat there on the floor turned towards Rinpoche and he sitting in his wheel chair he looked at me and uttered a few words. “Nirvana is tree words in Sanskrit, nir-va-djna, literally meaning without wrong thoughts.” That was all. But as so often a word, a glance, a sentence can contain a seed of profound instruction. I grasped quite well the meaning behind those words as he spoke them.
Over the years they have had a deep impact on me and I in someway feel those words were meant for me as a personal instruction. There were others in the room, but as I looked at them it seemed like no one had heard him except me. No one reacted and the moment was over very quickly, a few seconds.
So who is CR Lama, who is Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche? He is the reincarnation of Shariputra, the closest student of Buddha Shakyamuni. Not much else need to be said. Though it is a great story to hear about his other lives and the things he did. Very inspiring.